
Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation.
October 1, 2019

Above Ground Clarifier Oil Water Separator Flow Process

  1. The oil/water/sludge mixture enters the oil water separator
  2. The heavier sludge and particulates fall out of the fluid and are captured in the sludge hopper
  3. The oil and water mixture with lighter particulates travels up the inclined plates
  4. The inclined plates start to separate the mixture. Some oil rises to the top of the separator and the remainder of the particulates slide back down to the sludge hopper.
  5. The remaining oil and water mixture then moves through the coalescing media packs where the majority of the smaller oil particles attach to the media and combine together to form larger oil particles.
  6. These larger oil particles become so buoyant that they release from the media and travel to the top of the separator.
  7. As the oil volume in the separator reaches a certain level, the oil is drained to through piping to an oil storage tank.
  8. The clean water continues over the weir to the clean water chamber where it goes through a final polishing pack and out to the sewer. offers a full line of oil and water separators that conform to the guidelines of API 421 for the removal of all free and dispersed non-emulsified oil and solids that settle from the waste stream. Get a Quote Today!

Oil Water Separator – Frequently Asked Questions

Please see a list of question and answers below related to our oil water separator products.

June 4, 2019

Problem: An engineer consulting with a railroad called with an application at a locomotive repair facility. Over time, lube oil and diesel fuel leaked from the locomotives into an inspection pit. Periodically, the oil along with sand and dirt collected in the pit was discharged into a retention pond. The oil was then skimmed from the surface of the pond and the water discharged to the sewer.

The roe skimmer wasn’t quite doing a good job so he asked us for suggestions on how to better treat the water before discharging to the sewer.

Solution: We recommended installing a SPT-20 Clarifier Oil Water Separator System with our standard air-driven pump and control system to treat the water. The clarifier section of the SPT-20 would remove all of the settleable solids while the coalescing media would remove all of the oil from the waste stream.

The SPT-20 did an excellent job of cleaning up the water during the week. The only issue reported was that their sump overflowed with water every weekend so their staff was met with too much water on the pad every Monday morning.

Our maintenance manager trouble-shot the entire system with their staff through Facetime, phone calls, and emails. A local electrician also tried to find the source of the problem since there were other issues at the facility. They tried multiple modifications but the problem persisted.

Finally, we engineered and assembled a hybrid control system just for their particular location and sent it out to them. The control system worked and the system is now fully operational and the client is very pleased.

May 21, 2019

Issue:  A consulting engineering firm contacted us regarding a wash system for their client that ran numerous grocery distribution centers and warehouses on the West Coast.  The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) rule on Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food required their client to wash the interior of every truck entering their facility in order to keep foods safe from contamination during transportation.

They asked if we could help them design a hot water washing system that could handle multiple users at the same time since most of these distribution centers are very large and busy.  At any point in time, multiple trucks are being unloaded and loaded as fast as possible.

Solution: In response to their request, we worked with the consulting engineers and designed a very effective sanitary washing package that would ensure compliance with the new rule by combining a high-pressure VFD-controlled pumping system with a high efficiency heating system.

For this application requiring 10 stations producing 4 GPM each simultaneously, we provided two 20 gpm @ 1700 psi  pressure washing systems with VFDs and high efficiency heaters. 

The VFD system offered substantial operational flexibility since the system will only utilize the power (speed of motor and pump) to match the output demands. We designed each 20 gpm system to service up to 5 users at 4 gpm each. If there is only one user on the system, however, the pump will provide only 5 gpm, and the motor/pump will only turn at 1/5” speed to meet that demand.  The high efficiency heaters were integrated with the pumping systems to provide the correct temperature water to comply with the FSMA rule.

In addition to the pumping and heating systems, we also provided hoses, guns, reels and holders so their client had a complete sanitary washing package.  The client liked the system so much, they ordered three more systems for other facilities!

Give us a call at 800-453-8639 for more information!

April 9, 2019

Problem: A car dealer moving into a new facility with a limited time lease. The property owner did not want them to cut concrete or substantially alter the property but the dealer needed to be able to wash dozens of cars per week onsite, contain the water and discharge it properly to the sewer.

Solution:  For a complete wash system, we recommended installing a SPT-10 Clarifier Oil Water Separator System, a cold water pressure washer with a portable hose reel, and a portable wash containment pad. This allows them to wash as many cars as possible without any major modifications to the property.  They will also be able to move the entire system to a new facility at the end of their lease. With their input, we helped them layout the system to maximize their space.

After installation of the pad, however, they noticed the concrete floor slope much slighter than originally thought and that the wash water was not moving off the pad well.  This flat slope left his staff working in standing water and the SPT-10 not being able to process the wash water properly.

To improve this drainage issue, our staff developed a low cost under layer for the wash pad which created a slight slope for the water.  We then installed this under layer and re-piped the in-take piping for the SPT-10 so the wash water flows freely.  The general manager of the facility is very pleased with our systems and service.

January 9, 2019

Business at collision repair centers and auto body shops is booming these days! Once the cars are repaired, most shops like to enhance their customer service by washing the cars before giving them
back to the customer.

Wash pad for auto body shop

Today, however, you can’t just wash the cars in the back lot and let the water flow off site due to environmental regulations. That’s why we developed a simple turn-key wash bay package including a stainless steel oil water separator and a portable wash pad that can be installed and up and running in a day!

Wash Pad Features:

• Designed to be surface-mounted – No excavation required
• Built to any size and configuration
• Fiberglass composite system -1/4” steel plate core completely encapsulated in fiberglass
• Superior chemical resistance
• Shipped in multiple panels and easily installed
• Projected useful life of 15-20 years
• Simply re-located and re-used

oil water separator for auto body shop

Our separators and wash pads come in a range of different sizes so we can design a package to match your washing operations, space restrictions and environmental requirements.


  • Stainless steel construction 99%
  • Removal of all free oil and settlable solids
  • Pump & control system
  • Low installation and maintenance costs
  • Solids storage capability


  • Pumping Systems
  • Portable Equipment Rooms
  • Splash Walls
  • Canopy Covers
  • Rain Diverter Systems
  • Below ground separators

Give us a call for more product information – 800-453-8639

November 2, 2018

oil water separator

Problem: A metals dealer and recycling company had a small wash outside area with a 900 gallon in-ground concrete sump adjacent to it. The sump captured both the wash water and storm water coming off the pad. Contaminants included compressor oil, motor oil, transmission fluid and gasoline.

The company called and asked us for suggestions on how to treat the water before discharging to the sewer. The nearest building to the sump was several hundred feet away and they had very limited area inside it to install an oil water separator.

transportable equipment room

Solution: This was a perfect application for our transportable equipment rooms. To treat the water, we installed an oil water separator with an electric diaphragm pump in a 20′ long container, our TER-20. Since the client was located in a northern climate, we added insulation and a heating system to the TER-20 to guard against freezing issues.

We placed the TER-20 on a pad adjacent to the in-ground sump and it took less than a day to hook up all of the electrical and plumbing lines to make the system operational.

Using the TER-20 saved the client building costs and provided additional storage space. It also allows them the flexibility to move the entire oil water separator system to a different facility when needed.

September 5, 2018

New Locomotive Wash Bay Pump

A national railroad freight company called and requested a complete overhaul of their 40-year old locomotive wash. This 1970’s era locomotive wash system consisted of three different wash arches – a wetting arch to wet the locomotive, a second arch for soap application and washing, and a third arch with an acid wash for surface brightening.

The wash system was overhauled with to improve the following metrics:

  • Improve the wetting stage process by increasing both water volume and pressure as well as the nozzle design to apply the wetting water on the locomotive; and
  • Improve the soap application process by redesigning the nozzles’ flow patterns and volumes, increasing total flow to the nozzles, and finally adding additional pressure the process.

We started the overhaul process by removing the old soap and rinse pumps as well as the associated wiring and conduit. All of the existing control panels and associated conduit and wiring were also removed. Some equipment was retired in place to reduce demolition, re-piping and re-wiring costs. We then installed the following new equipment:

Locomotive wash bay control panel
Locomotive wash bay stainless steel control panel

Control Panel – A new stainless steel control panel was mounted, which replaced the existing four electrical panels. New conduit and heavier wire was also installed to bring it up to existing codes. The dual electric eyes were re-wired back into the new panel. New liquid level floats were installed in the storage tanks to provide both fluid level control, as well, as provide new a pump shut down safety, in the event of a low water condition in the water storage tanks.

Wetting Pump – A new 15 hp, cast iron pump was installed to supply water to the wetting arch. New, larger PVC piping as well as new heavier electrical wire was installed through new conduit to supply the proper amperage for the new higher horsepower pump.

Soap Pump – A new 15 HP stainless steel pump was installed for the new wash soap arch. New heavier wire was pulled through new conduit to supply the proper amperage needed for the new pump. The new pump was plumbed into the existing PVC piping in the pump house.

Wash Tunnel Nozzles – The existing nozzles could no longer be utilized due to flow and pressure differences from the new pumps. The existing nozzles were removed and replaced with a set of brass nozzles. A total of 42 new nozzles were installed in all three arches.

Rinse System Pump – The existing 100 hp motor and pump were removed and a new 25 hp motor and pump was set in place, aligned, and bolted to the exiting pump base.

Rinse System Control System – A new PLC-based control system housed in a stainless steel panel was installed and integrated with the existing control wires. New wiring was installed from the original motor controller system to the new control panel.

Rinse System Nozzles – The original nozzles, which were sized for the flow from the one hundred horsepower pump, were removed and new brass nozzles were installed.

The entire overhaul took less than a week to install and brought the whole wash system into the 21st century! The client has been very happy with its performance.

June 26, 2018

Robustly designed for range of industrial applications from oilfield pipe washing to large equipment washing, our (PWS – Series) portable parts washing stands can provide an economical alternative to a concrete wash pad.


  • Designed to be surface-mounted
  • No excavation required
  • Placed directly on top of existing surface
  • Built to any size and configuration
  • Fiberglass composite system consisting of a 1/4” steel plate core completely encapsulated in fiberglass
  • 12” high walls, various lengths & widths available
  • Easy to relocate by forklift without disassembly
  • Drain port for fluid removal or connection to plumbing
  • Simply maintained
  • Projected useful life of 15-20 years


Minimal site preparation, no excavation, fast, clean installation, immediate use, non-porous design, superior chemical resistance and portability are only some of the many our parts washing stand’s advantages.

Each parts washing stand is manufactured from heavy-duty fiberglass laminations completely encapsulating a steel core. The steel core makes it the most rugged and durable wash water containment system available today. This core keeps the spill containment system strong and flexible no matter what. In addition, each system includes (4) 1-1/2″ threaded coupling with 2 bronze ball valves for fluid drainage.

two removable pedestal frames


Inside are two removable pedestal frames to support the grates and raise equipment above the surface. Each system also has a 2″ divider wall running across the middle of the system to compartmentalize wash water or spills.

portable parts washing covers and walls


To contain the wash water, the system is available with an optional 10′ high canopy mounted to the system. Each end is left open for access.

Fiberglass or poly walls are also available. They come in 4’, 6’ or 8’ heights and can be placed on 3 sides for efficient washing.

Interactive 3D Visual of our Portable Parts Washing Stands

Please click the image below to interact with the drawing. It may take a few seconds to load.

Give us a call for more product information – 800-453-8639

May 9, 2018

At, we are committed to helping our customers achieve their environmental goals and enhance their “Green” image by reducing waste and pollutants and conserving resources.

There are many “Green” benefits than can be derived from the use of efficient wash and reclaim systems. In many places, drought conditions have made water scarce and ultimately more valuable. Using lower volume washing systems and reclaiming and reusing water are extremely beneficial for the environment because it saves of large quantities of water. It also helps businesses feel more secure in that they can continue operating even under drought-imposed water restrictions.

Going “Green” is most successful when there are also good business incentives to do so – in other words, when there are significant cost savings while encouraging positive environmental stewardship.

Overall, lower water usage and recycling makes a great deal of sense since it helps to minimize environmental liability, enhance the company’s image as a responsible corporate citizen and produce significant cost savings.

April 9, 2018

MM Series Water Filtration System
MM Series Water Filtration System

The MM-Series Water Treatment System is a complete self-contained, extremely efficient filtration system consisting of a fully automated multi-media filter and carbon polishing filter.

Processed water is initially filtered to contain no particles greater than 40 microns in size. It is then filtered further so that it is free of substantially all emulsified oils, waxes and other volatile organic compounds. Limited soaps and detergents may remain in the treated water. Processed water shall be acceptable to discharge to the sewer.   The carbon or carbon clay mixture can be tailored to meet specific local effluent requirements and adjusted based on the testing results.

The filters are programmed to automatically backwash back to the wash bay using domestic water. It is designed to be simple to operate but very effective in its ability to meet today’s environmental requirements.


  •  Automated Self-Cleaning Multi-Media Deep Bed Filter
  •  Carbon polishing filter
  •  Tailored media to meet compliance standards
  •  High Efficiency Self-priming Filter Pump
  •  Automatic or Manual Control System
  •  PLC controller for back wash operations and valve actuation
  •   Stainless Steel frame
  •   Skid-mounted for easy portability
  •  All controls, and level switches
  •  Low operating and maintenance costs


  • Pre-filtration for heavy solids removal
  • Ozone system for odor control
  • PLC control with remote monitoring capability
  • Oil content monitor and alarm
  • pH control system
  • U.L. Listing
  • Can be installed in portable equipment room or trailer


MODEL: MM-5 MM-10 MM-35 MM-65 MM-100
FLOW RATE 5 gpm 10 gpm 35 gpm 65 gpm 100 gpm
FILTER PUMP 3/4 hp 1 hp 2 hp 3 hp 5 hp
 INLET 2” 2” 2” 2” 2”
 OUTLET 1” 1” 2” 2” 2”
WEIGHT  (lbs.) 450 500 600 700 800
 CONTROL SYSTEM Automatic or Manual Control
 FILTRATION Multi-Media Deep Bed Filter
 WATER POLISHING Carbon Deep Bed Filter
UTILITIES 3 phase 240/480/575 V 60 Hz or single phase 230V

North Carolina


At, we have been specializing in high tech, custom-engineered solutions to complex washing and wastewater issues since 1991.
+ 1 800-453-8639


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