Our revolutionary demucking/recycle systems only use 20 gpm of recycled water to effectively remove heavy accumulations of dirt, sand, and mud. Compared to other “water cannon” systems on the market at 150 gpm, the DM-1000 has the potential to save you hundreds of thousands of gallons of water per year!
Designed for heavy industrial applications, our DM-1000 Demucking/Recycle System comes complete with an high-efficiency, heavy-duty pump, water storage tanks, NEMA 4X Control Panel, (CSA or UL listed) and heavy-duty gun & wand assembly. It can easily be used in conjunction with other pressure washing and recycling systems.
Mining companies typically use multiple water cannons to wash large mining trucks and loaders. A typical wash time is 2-4 hours per truck in the summer. In the winter, they also use the cannons to “defrost” the trucks. This can take 6-8 hours per truck.
Washing an average of two trucks per day, they can use between 50,000 and 150,000 gallons of fresh water each day! Not only do they use that much water, now, they also have to treat that water.
By switching to our DM-1000 Demucking/Recycle System, you can get a superior wash using recycled water and reduce your water consumption (and waste water treatment volume) by more than 90%!
Give us a call for more product information – 800-453-8639!