stages of separation

December 8, 2023

• Electric or air-driven pump and control systems
• Water polishing packs for strict effluent requirements
• Ozone systems for odor control
• Ozone systems for odor control
• Additional water treatment systems for differing site conditions

5 Stages Of Oil Water Separation Diagram

5 Stages of Oil Water Separation Diagram

  1. The free oil (150 micron in size or greater) is separated in the inlet quiescent zone.
  2. The settleable solids will flow downward into the hopper section for removal.
  3. The suspended solids and dispersed oil will flow upward through the inclined plates
    section, where most of the suspended solids will slide down the plates into the hopper.
  4. The remaining suspended solids and dispersed oil will flow into the separation
    compartment where the coalescing plates will separate the oil 30 micron or greater to
    the surface for removal .
  5. The flow of water will go over the overflow weir plate into the clean water compartment
    and then discharge to the sewer.

North Carolina


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